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"People want my reaction to what happened.
This is not about me. This is about Dimebag Darrell ? purely Darrell.
It's not about me or some motherxxxxing psycho that happened to destroy
the most beautiful xxxing person ? one of my best friends in the world.
It was the heavy metal goddamn media that destroyed PANTERA.
This is about Darrell, my brother of 17 years, who... PANTERA's music changed
people's lives, man. We weren't just some band. He was NOT just some guitar player.
I wanna say... Bless his family and all of his close friends.
And I never got a chance to say goodbye in the right way, and it kills me.
And I'm so sorry.
I wish to God I could have gone to his funeral, but I have to respect his
family's wishes, and they do not want me there. I believe I belong there,
but I understand completely.
I'm so sorry to his bandmembers. I'm so sorry to the whole fxxxing world that
loved Dimebag Darrell. Because let me tell you something:
there was not one motherxxxer like him.
I'm so sorry to his family and everyone else who was just senselessly
killed in Columbus, Ohio. It's a town I love. That's a town I've played
a hundred times, goddamn it. I love that town.
That's where Dimebag Darrell got killed.
This is very unique for me, and that's all I know. Just bless his family,
bless his friends. I love him like a brother loves a brother.
Vinnie Paul, my other brother, I'm so sorry, I'm SO sorry.
To The Kat [John Brooks, DAMAGEPLAN's drum tech], who was shot twice.
I would have taken a bullet for you, brother ? mark my words. Because I love you.
And I love ALL of you.
What is this world coming to?
This has changed the world. I hope you all realize that now.
This has changed the entire world. And this is the last you'll be
seeing of me for a long time. I hope you're happy, heavy metal music
magazines, media ? I hope you're happy."
출처 : www.fuse.tv