
got FAN CAN 5

돈가방 2006. 2. 14. 23:48

Fan can 5가 도착 했다.

박스를 열면..

메탈리카 깡통이 나온다.

깡통을 까보니...

Fan club T-shirt, Keychain, Fillmore live CD,
Relaunch Live와 Fillmore, 그외 부틀랙이 담긴 DVD가 나왔다.

- CD Song Lists -

1. Hit the lights
2. Master of puppets
3. Harverster of sorrow
4. Welcome home(Sanitarium)
5. St. Anger
6. Leper Messiah
7. Phantom Lord
8. Fade to black
9. Blackened
10. One
11. Breadfan
12. Damage Inc.

- DVD Lists -

Network Associates Coliseum Parking Lot,
Oakland, Jan 19, 2003

1. Fuel
2. Master of puppets
3. For whom the bell tolls
4. Sad but true
5. Seek and destroy
6. Battery

HQ - The Relaunch Party
San Rafael, July 6,2002

7. Creeping Death
8. Seek and destroy
9. Hit the lights
10. Leper Messiah
11. No Remorse
12. For whom the bell tolls

The Fillmore Live
San Francisco, May 18, 2003

13. The four horseman
14. Ride the lightning

"Bootleg" footage from "Kimo's"
San Francisco, June 4, 2002

15. Commando
16. Today your love, tomorrow the world
17. 53rd & 3rd
18. Now I wanna sniff some glue

일단 좀 보자. 음.